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I've been in practice since 1991 and have completed over 6000 hours of post-graduate training in Chinese Medicine, Massage & Manual Therapy, Movement Education, Nutritional and Functional Medicine, Exercise Rehabilitation, Trauma Therapy, Holistic Health and Mind-Body Integration Techniques.

The primary modality I use is called Somatic Integration, a term I coined to describe my approach towards restoring the normal and integrated functioning of our body-mind. Somatic Integration is the result of over 30 years of experience and practice of various disciplines and just like any other living paradigm, is continuously evolving and developing. 

Particular influences on my work include but are not limited to: Chinese Medicine, Osteopathy, The Feldenkrais Method, Trager Approach, Polarity Therapy, Cranial Osteopathy, Visceral Manipulation, Muscle Energy Technique, Functional Technique, Somatic Experiencing, Formative Psychology and Evolutionary Biology.

As my work becomes increasingly focused on the non-verbal and non-cognitive aspect of the psyche and nervous system, I'm developing a renewed appreciation for Freud's model of the self.


For more information about my practice, please see the services page.

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